BeBetter Shop provides online reputation enhancement services based on anti-fraud algorithms. The service cannot and does not guarantee that a review will not be removed by the review platform for any reason, as they regularly update their fraud detection algorithms and investigate each review both before and after posting.
It is important to note that we cannot predict how the Fraud Detection Algorithm or internal approval policies will evolve in the future. Reviews may be blocked or removed for various reasons. Therefore, you should be prepared for this possibility, as it can occur with any business, including with genuine customer reviews.
Each website is owned by real people, not robots. The owners have the right to shut down the site, redesign it, change the terms of service at any time, or delete any reviews they receive on their "property" if they choose to do so. They maintain their website for their own benefit, not yours. Just as your company seeks a good reputation score for its own advantage, not for anyone else’s, we hope you understand this.
However, BeBetter Shop guarantees that removed or blocked reviews will be replaced and/or reposted for free at any time within 2 months upon request. The two-month guarantee is provided under two conditions:
- If it is your first order with us.
- If the order is placed in the Rollover format — meaning you create a new order at least 7 - 14 days before the planned completion date of the current package, so that the new package is paid for at least 5 days before the current package's completion date. This ensures compliance with the Rollover format, which grants you a 20% discount and a two-month backup guarantee. If any review is removed, we will restore it for free upon your request within the guarantee period.
Our service employs a unique Anti-Fraud-based approach. Requesting our services in combination with reviews from other providers is counterproductive to both your success and ours. This practice negatively impacts the quality of your business page and the integrity of our accounts. We do not support this type of cooperation.
For your information, some key factors that platforms consider when deciding whether a review should be blocked or removed during verification include:
- The history logs of your business page in their system, including any suspicious on-page activity from the start.
- The activity history of accounts that leave reviews for your business, such as when and how the accounts were created and how they interacted with your business page to leave a review.
- The content of the review itself, to determine if it appears to be a promotional advertisement rather than a genuine customer experience.
Ordering reviews from different services simultaneously or within a short time frame is risky, unless you are confident that those services use organically legitimate accounts and reviews.